Learn how to optimize your riding one lesson at a time!

Feldenkrais for Riders Basic Course covers the seven blind spots that most riders struggle with and can’t seem to resolve. Each lesson includes a practical anatomy review that enables you to visualize how you can change/modify/improve your movement patterns for a better ride for your horse.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome-Quick tutorial

    2. What to know before you start

    1. Lesson 1 : Spine self image

    2. Lesson 2: Riders leg

    3. Lesson 3 : side bending in 3D

    4. Lesson 4 : turning and twisting

    5. Lesson 5 : sit to stand

    6. Lesson 6 : Light arms

    7. Lesson 7 : The pelvic clock

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Here is what you get:

  • Access to the instructor

    Ask questions or clarifications on the lessons at any time through our private community board.

  • Join our student community

    Share ideas, experiences and pictures with your fellow aware horse rider students in a private community discussion board.

  • Unlimited access

    Access to all the recorded lessons on your own schedule....forever!


equestrian Catherine Wycoff

Catherine has been a physical therapist for over 30 years, with an undergraduate degree from Belgium and a doctorate degree from Des Moines University. She is a lifelong horse lover and rider, starting with jumpers and dressage competition, and continuing with hippotherapy and a little bit of driving. She was introduced to the Feldenkrais Method in the early nineties and was amazed by how such gentle Awareness Through Movement® sessions can rewire our brain to improve the way we move and live our lives. She has been teaching Feldenkrais ATM classes since 1999 and loves to watch her students learn to improve their flexibility, balance, posture, and rediscover how to move with ease and joy at any age.

Get 7 anatomy review videos and 7 Awareness through movement lessons you can use on your next ride.