Weekly Online Feldenkrais classes
Weekly Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement class taught by Catherine Wycoff.
Welcome-Quick tutorial
What to know before you start
Link to Live online Feldenkrais class
February 19: Side bending in supine
February 12: Flexion and extension in sidelying
February 5: Destressed shoulder
January 29: Head to legs
January 15 : Freeing the neck
November 20:knee to elbow lying on the back
November 6: destressing lesson
August 21: lifting the head on the stomach
August 14: Breathing and psoas
August 7: twisting the spine
July 31 lifting the head on the stomach
July 24: The pelvic clock and your hips
July 17: walking on your side
July 10: coordinating through the trunk
July 3: Tongue, jaw, neck
June 19: turning hips in
May 22: Side Bending with emphasis on the ribs
May 15: Flexible eyes
April 17: head turning, jaw, eyes
April 10: The psoas muscles
March 27: Pelvis, hips and SI Joints
March 20: Side folding and unfolding
March 13: Foot contact variations
March 6 : eyes and pelvis
February 28: Twisting in sitting
Fenruary 21 : Upper ribs and collar bones
January 17: Full Breathing 2024
January 10: Full body pelvic clock
December 6: The circles
November 29: Weight shifting
November 15: Full spine folding
November 8: from the floor to standing part 2
November 1: From the floor to standing Part 1
October 25 : Twisting the Spine
October 18: the foot behind you
September 13: Pelvic Clock with Psoas and Diaphragm
August 23: the ribs in side bending supine
August 16: the eye balls and the head
August 9: Your hands and your brain
August 2: Folding with push up
July 26: Pelvic clock on the side
July 19: Shoulders and Pelvis
June 7 : Hips
May 31: Side Walking
May 24: Jaw, tongue, eyes and neck
May 3: the turtle and the cheetah
April 26: Full Breathing
April 19: Hand on the knee
February 22: Relaxed shoulders
February 15: Folding and unfolding in sidelying
February 8: Reaching for the ceiling with the pelvis' help
Feb 1: sidebending in sidelying
January 25: the tongue
September 21: Hip clock
August 24: inverted pushup
July 27: Turn to Relax
July 20 : diaphragm and folding
July 13: Walking
July 6: Shoulders
June 29 : Knee to Chin
June 22: Hips
June 15: Breathing and the diaphragm
June 8 : Triangle of the arms
April 27: clocks
April 20: Foot to pelvis
April 13: Ankle and foot
April 6: Dead Bird lesson
March 23: Rotating the arms
March 16: Coordinating the tongue, the jaw and the head
March 9: Breathing Medley
March 2: Relaxed eyes
February 16: Twisting the spine legs crosssed
February 2: Arms as wings
January 26: Side Bending Pool Noodle
January 19: baby spine
January 12: Rolling the head
January 5: Breathing medley
December 15: smile to upright posture
December 8: Sidelying push up
December 1: Hips, knees and feet
November 24: Folding and extending
November 17: Pelvic clock 2021
November 10: Turning the upper back
November 3: Breathing unrestricted
October 27: Ringing the spine
October 20: Reaching up
October 13: Hips in 3 D
October 6: 3 D Pelvis
September 29: Folding and unfolding
September 22: Eye rolling
September 15: Reaching Overhead
September 8: The Cockroach
September 1: Curling
August 25: Side bending with turning
August 18: Circles
August 11: lifting the head in sidelying
August 4: Breathing and the floor
July 28: eyes and pelvis
July 21: Walking on your side
July 14: ankle self image
July 7: the turtle and the cheetah
June 30: Collar bones and chest bone
June 23: Pelvic clock 2021
June 16: Rolling the head like a ball
June 9: Folding and unfolding sidelying
June 2: The bug
May 25 : Standing on all 4 ball joints
May 19: Round Knee joints
May 5: Breathing variations
April 28: snow angels in April
April 21: Variations on all 4's
April 14 : Coordinating the elbows with the pelvis
April 7: Intro to Quadruped
March 31: Folding on the side
March 24: The Sacroiliac Joint
March 17: Happy Jaw
March 10: Breathing in 3 D
March 3: fold while lengthening
February 24: Turning in 3 D
February 17: eyes and sitz bones
February 10: The eyes and the head
February 3: 4 ball joints and the eyes
January 27: Head through the window of the arm
January 20: Foot through the gap
January 13: the eyes organize the movement
January 6, 2021: Rolling the pelvis like a ball
December 30: Hands, breathing and the neck.
December 23: Soles of the feet together
December 16 : Snow angels
Sitting lesson/ December 8: Touching your toes
December 2 : T zone and the shoulders
November 18: Jaw movements
November 11: The T in the front
November 4: Twisting the spine from the pelvis
October 28: Hip and shoulder circles
October 21 : Twisting
October 14: The tongue and the neck
October 7: Side bending
FREE PREVIEWSeptember 30: Rolling from the arms
September 23: Magnificent feet and hands
September 15: The head over the spine in sitting
Sep 9th: The head through the window of the arm
August 26th: Rolling the ball joints in and out
August 12: See saw breathing
August 19th: arms and hips
August 5: Frog legs with points of contact awareness
July 29: Breathing and the shape of your trunk
July 22 : reaching with the help of the hips
July 15: jaw ease
July 8: free shoulders (chair lesson)
June 10: the importance of soft Hands
June 3: rotating the legs in sidelying
May 20 upper ribs awareness
Copy of February 28: Twisting in sitting
July 1: shapes
June 24: folding
May 27 : collar bones, shoulder blades and walking
May 13 The tripod of the foot
Frog legs
FREE PREVIEWFull Breathing to de-stress
Flexion with fingers interlaced behind the head
Coordinating the 4 ball joints
Breathing and feet
Reaching with your arms in sidelying
Tongue lesson
Coordinating the tongue, the jaw and the head